International Collegiate Programming Contest
ICPC Web Site - official website of the contest.
Indian Online Round Web Site - official website for our online contest, has details about the regional contests and their links.
Codeforces - a platform to practice, organize, run, and discuss ICPC-like programming contests. A good practice site.
UVa Online Judge - A programming contest site with problems similar to those of the ACM-ICPC, including many past problem sets and an online judging program.
ICPC Live Problem Archive - This site provides an online judge for many actual ICPC problems from 2000 and later, both from regionals around the world, and from the world finals
Competitive Programming 3 (CP3) Book - This book contains a collection of relevant data structures, algorithms, and programming tips written for University students who want to be more competitive in the
International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).
CodeChef - an Indian platform competitive programming, has decent number of questions, good for beginners.